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ONE PILL WONDER – MirZyme Therapeutics on AIMDay at Oxford University

Writer's picture: Aadil QayiumAadil Qayium

The Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health at the University of Oxford hosted an Academic-Industry Meeting Day (AIMday) in Women’s Health on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 at St Anne’s College. This was the first women’s health event in the history of Oxford and brough together academic excellence from the University of Oxford with highly innovative startups, SMEs, and Pharma to help answer the most pressing challenges in areas of Women’s Health.

MirZyme Therapeutics was invited to host a workshop and present a question for discussion. The question we posed was, ‘How can we accelerate making preeclampsia history within this decade’? This is relevant to MirZyme’s mission, which is focused on eliminating preeclampsia from the face of the Earth and thereby making it history.

Notes were taken and summarised by Ms Corina Staniloiu, a MSc student in Clinical Embryology at the University of Oxford into a blog. In summary, “the research and development at MirZyme is ground-breaking” and MirZyme’s approach is to prevent sFlt-1 elevation in patients at risk of pre-eclampsia. Workshop attendees dubbed MZe786, a hydrogen sulfide-releasing aspirin, as the “supercharged aspirin”.

You can download the workshop summary here:



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